Victorian Christmas Dinner.

Well I was looking at some things and doing some research on Christmas menus from the past I a cam across this, just thought it interesting as what was done then as to today.


Raw Oysters
Fried smelts and Sauce tartare
Potatoes a la Maitre d' Hotel
Sweetbread Pates and Peas
Roast Turkey and Cranberry Sauce
Roman Punch
Quail with Truffles and Rice Croquettes
Parisian Salad
Crackers and Cheese
Nesselrode Pudding or Fancy Cakes
Fruit with Coffee

Raw Oyster, sever on a half shell, laid on a bed of ice. About five or six oyster per person with a wedge of lemon.

Bouillon, a very beefy in flavour but rather thin stock , served in a bouillon cup .

Fired smelts are what you would call white bate if you have not had them before. The interesting thing about this is that it is a traditional dish served in some parts Italy on Christmas Eve. The sauce tartar is very much like you would get today, a mayonnaise sauce flavoured with cappers and dill pickle.
The Potatoes A la Maitre d’hĂ´tel are a very season potato boiled potato that your then sautĂ© in a  frying pan .  seasoned with salt pepper nutmeg lemon juice and chopped parsley

Sweet bread pates are some thing that I do not think you would see on a menu today as much as your would have done back then. Basically you take cold sweet breads and bind them this a thick roux then season cool and bake till brown. Now as for the peas I do not know but I think they must have been on a bed of what I would call mushy peas.

Turkey a very popular bird roasted and with Cranberry sauce popularised by being used by Queen Victoria.

Now as far as I can tell Roman punch is a sugar stock syrup that is boiled for tem minutes. You put it in the freezer so it turns in to a slush stir in rum and lemon juices and serve in glasses

Roast quail and truffles a rich man food to get truffles even back then and I am assuming sliced in a sauce.  As for the rice croquettes seem to be made from over cooked rice coated in bred crumbs and deep-fried.

Cheese and crackers we all know and love but Parisian Salad. Well Parisian salad is like a salad nicoise with beetroot , rather messy round cheese I would have thought.

Nesselrode pudding is a  chestnuts, cream, egg yolks, raisins, currants, sherry , candied apricots,  candied green gages and candied cherries mixed together and set in a mould and frozen. As for your fancy cakes use macaroons.

As for fruit with the coffee well I do not know if that was the done thing or not but you must admit it must be better then a chocolate mint.

Menu from Godey's Lady's Book, December 1890


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