Three smoothies

The smoothie is the very drink that can get lots of fruits in to kids with very little effort. Now you have herd all sorts of things about them getting to much sugar on the heath and blending them with fats from the dairy and the acid of the fruits attacks the teeth. Well this all might be true but I still eat butter and saturated fat , drink and cross the road without using the green cross code every time.  So do not have them morning noon and night eat other things and use you own intelligence and you will be fine. All you need to make them is something to blend them together, I use a hand blender, seem easier than making sure the lid is on the blender.

Mango smoothie
1 ripe mango
1 ripe banana
3 heaped tbsp yoghurt
300ml/10½floz milk
ice cubes (optional)
Get everything in a jug blend it together and serve in a tall glass.

A berry smoothie
175ml/6floz apple juice
120ml/4floz natural yoghurt
1 banana
170g/6oz Berry’s
Now for this one you can use and berry that you like strawberries, raspberries or blueberries.

And finally my favourite a banana smoothie
1 banana
½ pint milk
ice cubes (optional)
1-2tbsp honey
Now this is my favourite as it just gores so well together, first thing in the morning and it is the right start to the day.


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