The Tales Behind Your Tea A Talk With Tetley Farmers
July 2012 To support their commitment to Rainforest Alliance, Tetley has launched an innovative social media initiative, facilitated by popular social media site Facebook, to allow caterers (and consumers) in the UK to communicate directly with the very communities producing the tea they sell and consume. The Facebook site already has over 65,000 ’likes’ and receives daily updates from tea producers in South Africa and Malawi who give an insight into their daily lives, the communities in which they live and what is involved in achieving and maintaining their Rainforest Alliance Certified™ status. Both caterers and customers can pose questions; respond to the posts left by the farmers and view photos and videos of life in and around a tea estate. This innovative communication platform re-enforces Tetley’s commitment to the very people who help to grow and sustain the heart of their business. As a raw product, tea originates from areas all around the world and in doi