Tuna and lemon pasta warm salad.

The secret to cooking in a heat wave as we are in at the moment ios to do as little cooking as possible and get out in the garden and enjoy the sunshine. This next recipe is an easy salad that you can have warm

you will need,
300g/10½oz penne pasta
3-4tbsp of olive oil
Fresh ground salt and pepper to taste.
2 x 185g/6½oz tins of tuna
1 lemon, juice and zest
Packet of rocket leaves
Packet of baby spinach
About 20 cappers.
1 lemon

First get a pan of water on the stove to cook the pasta , a nice big one with plenty of water in it so the pasta can move freely when it cooks.  Once the water is boiling add the pasta and let it cook. Once ready drain and add to a large bowl.

Now while the pasta is cooking open the tins of tuna let it drain and break up into bite-sized pieces. Then when the pasta is cooked add the olive oil and season well. Grate the zest of the lemon and add the juice of the lemon and toss this all together.

Finally just before serving add the rocket leaves, baby spinach and cappers. Lightly toss them in and serve straight away. The heat of the past should just wilt the lives slightly and you will have a very fresh and refreshing warm past salad. 


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