Chef Wises Other Wise.

I started blogging in about 2010And it was not until last year I really stared to do blogging for real. And I think my blog Chef Wise is going well, and I enjoy doing it. But this blog is just not enough for all the things that I want to post. I have stuff sent me every day that is interesting and that people would want to read but it does not find a place on my blog as it is all about food and drink.  More and more good stuff comes my way and I thing that this will go well on a blog but, I was doing a food blog . So now Chef Wises Other Wise is all the other things that I want to blog about.

So I have started another blog called Chef Wises Other Wise a blog that will have mix of all sorts of things form news, life style, money, politics, art, travel and even, you never know, some sport if the mood takes me.  The truth is that I have been trying to work with PR Company’s and this is the put let for a lot of things that they send me as well as work of my own.  So hopefully it will have something for everyone.

I do not know why and I do not know how but I just feel that this is something that I should do.

I do not know if it is any good, I am sure there are those who will say it is not.  In fact I am sure there are an army of critic who will line up to say that it is badly spelt and punctuated.  That I am used to and that I can accept.

The real question is, to one blog is Ok but two must be madness you never know until you try so here I go.  Since I have started I have seen the audience grow from this blog so it will be interesting to see if it will be the same for my other blog.

My sister blog Chef Wises Other Wise 


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