Award-Winning Author, Romilla Arber Asks People Not To Embark On Faddy Diets This New Year

Romilla Arber, author of the award-winning cookery book “What’s for Dinner? Second Helpings” and founder of the charity, The Food Education Trust ( is urging people not to embark on faddy diets or to pledge to lose an unrealistic amount of weight in a short time. Instead, Romilla would like to see people make a New Year’s Resolution to feed the family healthy, home cooked meals each day. If this sounds a little daunting, “What’s for Dinner? Second Helpings” has a recipe for each day of the year, comprising of seasonal produce with meat, fish and vegetarian options.

A diet comprised of home-cooked meals with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can decrease the chances of developing high blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes and weight gain.  “Many faddy and gimmicky diets do not work in the long term.  Weight is lost initially however, many people end up heavier due to the fact that these diets simply cannot be maintained in the long term.  People need to adopt a long-term lifestyle change not embark on short term quick fixes.” Urges Romilla Arber.

‘Healthy Eating’ messages are often misleading and confusing to people.  “My message is simple; eat home cooked food as often as you can. The recipes in my books: “What’s for Dinner?” and “What’s for Dinner? Second Helpings” are split into weekly menus with a recipe for every day of the year and many of them come in at under 400 calories per portion.  As a mother of four, I encourage my children to eat a wide range of foods. Sweet treats are then fine in moderation and there are plenty of recipes for lovely cakes, biscuits and puddings in my books.  Eating well and healthily is not as difficult as you might think.”  Comments Romilla Arber.

As a nation, it is oh so easy to rely on convenience food.  However, by doing this the UK’s next generation are not learning basic cookery skills from their parents and existing on a diet which largely consists of ready prepared meals full of additives, sugar and salt.  Romilla started a charity 5 years ago, which is funded from the proceeds from sales of her cookbooks. Through the charity she tries to help people learn how to cook so that they can enjoy healthier lives. The Food Education Trust has touched the lives of thousands of people and has donated over £30,000 to different projects. The Trust visits schools, colleges and charities to provide help and advice.

It also provides ingredients, essential modern cookery equipment where needed and conducts cookery lessons on a weekly and monthly basis to ensure children are taught basic cookery skills to enable them to cook healthy meals.  Romilla’s charity has also written a cookery manual for teachers to follow in areas where she is unable to travel to.  In addition to the above, The Food Education Trust is currently advising schools on their menus and how to prepare meals on a limited budget.


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