A classic black Russian

Like many drinks today it is often not what you think it might be. A classic black Russian is vodka and Tia Maria. Now it seems to have some kind of cola in it as well but the classic is just vodka and Tia Maria.

Getting its name from the Russian vodka and the blackness of the Tia Maria. Allegedly made by a barman From the Hotel Metropole in Brussels. It was in honour of Perle Skirvin Mesta an America ambassador to Luxemburg. She was known as the “hostess with the mostes”.

So to make the classic black Russian you need two parts vodka to one part Tia Maria. Measure the spirits in to a large tumbler over ice and give a good stir then drink. And it is a very adult drink that will have an effect very quickly.

Now having said that there is a school of thought that you can use Kahlúa instead of Tia Maria. That is down to taste. Tia Maria is from Jamaica originally and is a little sweeter than Kahlúa. Kahlúa is also slightly thicker than Tia Maria. As well as that Kahlúa has a slightly more spiced range of flavours to it with vanilla and nutmeg. Tia Maria has a more rounded smooth flavour as it is made with cask-aged rum. What ever you decide to use is up to you and though both drinks are every similar they are also very different.

Now today with alcohol costing more and the fact that after just a few drinks like this you will soon be out for the count. It is more fashionable to have the drink with a cola of some kind. For this you will need a tall glass and then fill with lots of ice. The two parts Vodka and one part Tia Maria. Then top up with the cola.

And that is about all you need to know about the drink. Mind you I think I will find out more about Perle Skirvin Mesta. She sounds like a fascinating creature and to have such a drink made in her honour she must have know how to party.


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