Home made ice cream.

If you want to make a home made ice cream then you have tow or three ways of doing it. The trick is to not get to many large ice crystals in it. What you want is a smooth creamed ice mixture. Now unless you have an ice cream making machine that will freeze it and churn it at the same time or you have to do it by hand. You just take the mix and place it in the freezer and every now and then remove from the freezer and brake up the ice crystals. Or get it in to a blender at the very end and break the ice crystals down as you blend it.

The first way to make it is to make a custard and then freeze it.

For the custard you will need

570ml/ 1pt of double cream
225g/8oz caster sugar
1 vanilla pod or bean
8 egg yolks

Get the cream and split vanilla pod in to a pan and warm it slowly, you want it to be hot but not boiling. Also this gives time for the vanilla to really infuse in to the custard. In a blow whisk the egg yokes and sugar together till it goes a light cream colure. Then add you cream to the egg yolks and sugar a little at a time. Once you have them all mixed together then you can return to a low heat and keep stirring till the custard starts to thicken. You must not boil the custard or it will split, that is the egg will cook and you will have a very sweet scrabble egg mix. Once it has thickened then chill it and freeze. When solid put in a food processor and blitz it so that all the ice crystals get broken up and return to the freezer. This makes a extra rich ice cream, but it is a little on the extravagant side.

If you want to make an easy version of this then you could try this.

570ml/1py whipping cream
8 egg whites
225g/8oz icing sugar
3tsp of vanilla essence

For this all you need to do it whisk your egg whites up in to a meringue with the icing sugar. Whisk the cream and add the vanilla essence to that. Then gently fold the mixture together. Once every thing is mixed place it in the freezer and once it is sold it is ready to use.

Out of the two kinds of custard you can star to make different ice creams. Melt some chocolate and get that in to the ice cream, add strawberries or nuts what ever you want. Or make the custard and mix that in to the meringue mix. Once you have master the basic then you will be able to make just about any kind of ice cream.

So get some practice fill your freezer and send the summer having home made ice cream.


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